Current Church Plants
It’s estimated that 30,000 churches across the country will close due to the pandemic. It’s critical that those congregations are replaced with new, Christ centered faith communities. Please choose one or two, and support our new "100 in 10" church planters with prayer, resources and funding. Take a look at the amount of support still needed.

We are Jared and Laurie Schinzel and have lived in Burns, WY with our 3 children, Cooper, Luke, and Kaycee, since 2017. We both grew up in farming/ranching families and have started a small, registered Hereford cattle business. Having grown up in rural communities, we have a heart overflowing for the people of rural Wyoming. And as our family grows and becomes more connected to the community of Burns and surrounding areas, we see an overwhelming need for a rural church to invite others into God’s oasis. Our vision is for a church that is rustic, rural, and relevant. A church that will come alongside its community in unique ways and can serve as the hub of a community hungry for God’s rest.
We have seen God at work in Burns since the day we felt called here. He started by drawing a team around us that was already well connected and respected in the community. As a result of that we had almost 60 in attendance on our launch service on March 17, 2024 and close to 90 on Easter before settling into an average in the mid 40's. We have had several people recommit their lives to Christ, and a young girl gave her life to Jesus at Vacation Bible School. Speaking of VBS, that was an answered prayer, too! The group that had been doing VBS in Burns came to us and said they wouldn't be able to do VBS this year and asked if we would like to take it over. It is so awesome watching God set the stage to for His name to be glorified in that traditional summer program! God has also provided opportunities to join in community events, and we are excited to see how he will work this year. (click the "Learn More" button to read on...)

New Hope Calvary Chapel
We (David and Katie Elijah) started New Hope because we had a passion to bring people to the Hope that is found in Jesus. We wanted our neighbors, friends, coworkers, and our county to know who Jesus is and what He has done for them.
Lehi, Utah is a city that is 97% Mormon (LDS). According to statistics, this high percentage of unbelievers classifies us as an unchurched area. It is a very difficult place because it is hard to help people understand they’re lost when they believe they have the final word. Our mission is focused on helping them know and understand Grace. Real Grace and the Real Jesus.
And over the last 2 years, we have seen God at work in several ways. We have seen many come to faith in Jesus! We have seen healing from addiction! We have seen families leave religion and come into a real relationship with Jesus! Just this past year, we have seen 30 baptized at New Hope! We have many going through our discipleship classes as well! (Click on "Learn More" to read on...)

Shalom Bridge Congregation
We responded to the call of the LORD to plant a Church in Colorado with a special focus on reaching the Jewish community of Colorado. We have seen many great responses to this mission once arriving here.
Our mission field has been increasing ever since arriving in Colorado. We started in Boulder where studies indicated a 26% Jewish population. The Jewish population in this area have been spiritually hungry and searching through so many different religions and systems to find the answers they are longing to find. We also responded to a request in the Colorado Springs area to plant a local congregation there. The Jewish population here is more affluent and disconnected from faith. (Click the "Learn More" button to read on...)

We moved to St. George, Utah with two of our five children in 2021 to be closer to our daughter’s medical team as she battled cancer. As we helped two church plants in the St. George area, the need for a Christian church in the southern part of the city we resided in became evident (there wasn't one!), and we started Oasis in 2023.
We are looking for spiritually thirsty people in three master planned communities along the Southern Parkway: Desert Color, Sage Canyon, and Desert Canyons. The oldest community is seven years old, and the newest is three years. All 3 communities are continuing to grow residentially, and the area is also now booming commercially. Kevin Costner is building a western studio about a mile from where we live. The airport is expanding, and many big companies are buying up land to develop. (Click "Learn More" to read on...)

Our mission field is full of spiritual people. The problem is the object of their worship. Often people are focused on worshiping nature, success, comfort, and the pursuit of more. People are open to spiritual conversations, but many times they just want Jesus to be an add-on instead of the center of their life. We find ourselves helping people navigate what it actually means for Jesus to be Lord of their life. (click the "Learn More" button to read on...)

David and Victoria Henderson moved to Utah in September 2020 and Neighborhood Church had its Grand Opening on September 17, 2023 after a year of church in the living room. Located in southwestern Salt Lake County, Daybreak is a prime starting point to spread the gospel south into Utah County (over 85% LDS) and west into Tooele County (70% LDS) as the Hendersons dream to plant a church that plants more churches in these areas.
Some mission organizations consider Utah an unreached people group. On top of that, the culture of Utah demands that people measure up to an impossible standard and put on a happy face, and many are crushed under that weight. All the while, Daybreak and the surrounding area is the 2nd fastest growing community in the nation with a steady influx of people from all walks of life, from tech executives to Latin American refugees, all experiencing major life transitions in the epicenter of this keep-it-together culture. But there are hardly any Christian churches – just 4 within a 5-mile radius where over 190,000 people live. We want to help our neighbors build their new normal around a life-changing relationship with Jesus.
As a church, Neighborhood is passionate about – you guessed it – our neighbors! When Jesus talked about loving our neighbors, what if he meant our figurative neighbors (the “other” person who’s not like us) and our literal neighbors – the ones who live next door and across the street? That question drives us. (Click the "Learn More" button to read on...)

Grace Mountain Church
A new adventure begins at Grace Mountain Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado! Since August of 2022, Grace Mountain Church (an established church with over 50 years of history) and Beyond the Walls Community Church (a two-year-old church plant) have joined together under the leadership of Pastor Dave Nickodemus to begin creating a new church together! This new church is in the same location and has the same name: Grace Mountain Church, but there is a new mission ("Equipping people to bring the hope of Jesus through love, service and laughter) and a new excitement! The church is planning a launch Sunday for the fall and is letting the neighborhood and the community know that there is new life in this old church building!